Subcommands by Daniel Stelzer

"Exposes the snippets referring to each noun."
Jump to extension code


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


You wrote 'Include (- [ NounDomain domain1 domain2 conte [...] in [
PARSER_CLARIF_INTERNAL_R; ]; -) instead of "Noun Domain" in "Parser.i6t"' subcommands by daniel
stelzer: but this syntax was withdrawn in April
2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the
manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.
Copy Include Subcommands by Daniel Stelzer to clipboard Include Subcommands by Daniel Stelzer.
This extension exposes the snippet which refers to each individual object, as its 'subcommand'.

the subcommand of (object) -> snippet

If the player types "take the wand", referring to the black rod with a rusty star on the end, then the subcommand of the rod is "wand". This can be useful in disambiguation, or in adapting a description to use the player's phrasing.

Example: ** Subcommand Laboratory - A simple demonstration of how subcommands affect the parser.

Include Subcommands by Daniel Stelzer.

Before doing anything:
if the noun is not nothing:
say "Noun subcommand: [the subcommand of the noun].";
if the second noun is not nothing:
say "Second noun subcommand: [the subcommand of the second noun].";
continue the action.

The Laboratory is a room. A red apple, a green apple, a red pear, and a green pear are in the Laboratory.
A shiny wooden box is a container in the Laboratory. It is closed and locked. The player carries a silver metal key.

Does the player mean taking the red apple when the subcommand of the red apple includes "red": it is very likely.
Does the player mean taking the green apple when the subcommand of the green apple includes "apple": it is very likely.

Test fruit with "get red / drop it / get apple / get pear".
Test box with "unlock the shiny wooden box with the silver key".
Subcommands by Daniel Stelzer begins here.

"Exposes the snippets referring to each noun."

An object has a snippet called the subcommand. The subcommand property translates into I6 as "parsed_snippet".

Include (-
Property parsed_snippet;
-) after "Definitions.i6t".

Include (-
[ NounDomain domain1 domain2 context dont_ask
   first_word i j k l answer_words marker snip;
     #Ifdef DEBUG;
     if (parser_trace >= 4) {
         print " [NounDomain called at word ", wn, "^";
         print " ";
         if (indef_mode) {
             print "seeking indefinite object: ";
             if (indef_type & OTHER_BIT) print "other ";
             if (indef_type & MY_BIT) print "my ";
             if (indef_type & THAT_BIT) print "that ";
             if (indef_type & PLURAL_BIT) print "plural ";
             if (indef_type & LIT_BIT) print "lit ";
             if (indef_type & UNLIT_BIT) print "unlit ";
             if (indef_owner ~= 0) print "owner:", (name) indef_owner;
             print " number wanted: ";
             if (indef_wanted == INDEF_ALL_WANTED) print "all"; else print indef_wanted;
             print " most likely GNAs of names: ", indef_cases, "^";
         else print "seeking definite object^";
     #Endif; ! DEBUG

     match_length = 0; number_matched = 0; match_from = wn;

     SearchScope(domain1, domain2, context);

     #Ifdef DEBUG;
     if (parser_trace >= 4) print " [ND made ", number_matched, " matches]^";
     #Endif; ! DEBUG

     wn = match_from+match_length;
     ! === NEW ===
     snip = 100*match_from + match_length;
     ! === END ===

     ! If nothing worked at all, leave with the word marker skipped past the
     ! first unmatched word...

     if (number_matched == 0) { wn++; rfalse; }

     ! Suppose that there really were some words being parsed (i.e., we did
     ! not just infer). If so, and if there was only one match, it must be
     ! right and we return it...

     if (match_from <= num_words) {
         if (number_matched == 1) {
   ! === NEW ===
   i.parsed_snippet = snip;
   ! === END ===
             return i;

         ! suppose that there was more typing to come, i.e. suppose that
         ! the user entered something beyond this noun. If nothing ought to follow,
         ! then there must be a mistake, (unless what does follow is just a full
         ! stop, and or comma)

         if (wn <= num_words) {
             i = NextWord(); wn--;
             if (i ~= AND1__WD or AND2__WD or AND3__WD or comma_word
                    or THEN1__WD or THEN2__WD or THEN3__WD
                    or BUT1__WD or BUT2__WD or BUT3__WD) {
                 if (lookahead == ENDIT_TOKEN) rfalse;

     ! Now look for a good choice, if there's more than one choice...

     number_of_classes = 0;

     if (number_matched == 1) {
       i = match_list-->0;
     if (indef_mode == 1 && indef_type & PLURAL_BIT ~= 0) {
       if (context == MULTI_TOKEN or MULTIHELD_TOKEN or
         BeginActivity(DECIDING_WHETHER_ALL_INC_ACT, i);
         if ((ForActivity(DECIDING_WHETHER_ALL_INC_ACT, i)) &&
           (RulebookFailed())) rfalse;
         EndActivity(DECIDING_WHETHER_ALL_INC_ACT, i);
     if (number_matched > 1) {
     i = true;
     if (number_matched > 1)
       for (j=0 : j<number_matched-1 : j++){
         if (Identical(match_list-->j, match_list-->(j+1)) == false)
           i = false;
         ! === NEW ===
         (match_list-->j).parsed_snippet = snip;
         ! === END ===
       ! === NEW ===
       (match_list-->(number_matched-1)).parsed_snippet = snip;
       ! === END ===
     if (i) dont_infer = true;
         i = Adjudicate(context);
         if (i == -1) rfalse;
         if (i == 1) rtrue; ! Adjudicate has made a multiple
                              ! object, and we pass it on

     ! If i is non-zero here, one of two things is happening: either
     ! (a) an inference has been successfully made that object i is
     ! the intended one from the user's specification, or
     ! (b) the user finished typing some time ago, but we've decided
     ! on i because it's the only possible choice.
     ! In either case we have to keep the pattern up to date,
     ! note that an inference has been made and return.
     ! (Except, we don't note which of a pile of identical objects.)

     if (i ~= 0) {
   ! === NEW ===
   i.parsed_snippet = snip;
   ! === END ===
       if (dont_infer) return i;
         if (inferfrom == 0) inferfrom=pcount;
         pattern-->pcount = i;
         return i;

   if (dont_ask){
   ! === NEW ===
   (match_list-->0).parsed_snippet = 100*match_from + match_length;
   ! === END ===
    return match_list-->0;

     ! If we get here, there was no obvious choice of object to make. If in
     ! fact we've already gone past the end of the player's typing (which
     ! means the match list must contain every object in scope, regardless
     ! of its name), then it's foolish to give an enormous list to choose
     ! from - instead we go and ask a more suitable question...

     if (match_from > num_words) jump Incomplete;

     ! Now we print up the question, using the equivalence classes as worked
     ! out by Adjudicate() so as not to repeat ourselves on plural objects...

   if (ForActivity(ASKING_WHICH_DO_YOU_MEAN_ACT)) jump SkipWhichQuestion;
   j = 1; marker = 0;
   for (i=1 : i<=number_of_classes : i++) {
     while (((match_classes-->marker) ~= i) && ((match_classes-->marker) ~= -i))
     if (match_list-->marker hasnt animate) j = 0;

     j = number_of_classes; marker = 0;
     for (i=1 : i<=number_of_classes : i++) {
         while (((match_classes-->marker) ~= i) && ((match_classes-->marker) ~= -i)) marker++;
         k = match_list-->marker;

         if (match_classes-->marker > 0) print (the) k; else print (a) k;

         if (i < j-1) print ", ";
         if (i == j-1) {
       #Ifdef SERIAL_COMMA;
       if (j ~= 2) print ",";
           #Endif; ! SERIAL_COMMA
     print "?^";

   .SkipWhichQuestion; EndActivity(ASKING_WHICH_DO_YOU_MEAN_ACT);

     ! ...and get an answer:

     #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
     for (i=2 : i<INPUT_BUFFER_LEN : i++) buffer2->i = ' ';
     #Endif; ! TARGET_ZCODE
     answer_words=Keyboard(buffer2, parse2);

     ! Conveniently, parse2-->1 is the first word in both ZCODE and GLULX.
     first_word = (parse2-->1);

     ! Take care of "all", because that does something too clever here to do
     ! later on:

     if (first_word == ALL1__WD or ALL2__WD or ALL3__WD or ALL4__WD or ALL5__WD) {
             l = multiple_object-->0;
             for (i=0 : i<number_matched && l+i<MATCH_LIST_WORDS : i++) {
                 k = match_list-->i;
                 multiple_object-->(i+1+l) = k;
             multiple_object-->0 = i+l;
         jump WhichOne;

   ! Look for a comma, and interpret this as a fresh conversation command
   ! if so:

   for (i=1 : i<=answer_words : i++)
     if (WordFrom(i, parse2) == comma_word) {
             VM_CopyBuffer(buffer, buffer2);
             jump RECONSTRUCT_INPUT;

     ! If the first word of the reply can be interpreted as a verb, then
     ! assume that the player has ignored the question and given a new
     ! command altogether.
     ! (This is one time when it's convenient that the directions are
     ! not themselves verbs - thus, "north" as a reply to "Which, the north
     ! or south door" is not treated as a fresh command but as an answer.)

     #Ifdef LanguageIsVerb;
     if (first_word == 0) {
         j = wn; first_word = LanguageIsVerb(buffer2, parse2, 1); wn = j;
     #Endif; ! LanguageIsVerb
     if (first_word ~= 0) {
         j = first_word->#dict_par1;
         if ((0 ~= j&1) && ~~LanguageVerbMayBeName(first_word)) {
             VM_CopyBuffer(buffer, buffer2);
             jump RECONSTRUCT_INPUT;

     ! Now we insert the answer into the original typed command, as
     ! words additionally describing the same object
     ! (eg, > take red button
     ! Which one, ...
     ! > music
     ! becomes "take music red button". The parser will thus have three
     ! words to work from next time, not two.)

     #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
     k = WordAddress(match_from) - buffer; l=buffer2->1+1;
     for (j=buffer + buffer->0 - 1 : j>=buffer+k+l : j-- ) j->0 = 0->(j-l);
     for (i=0 : i<l : i++ ) buffer->(k+i) = buffer2->(2+i);
     buffer->(k+l-1) = ' ';
     buffer->1 = buffer->1 + l;
     if (buffer->1 >= (buffer->0 - 1)) buffer->1 = buffer->0;
     #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
     k = WordAddress(match_from) - buffer;
     l = (buffer2-->0) + 1;
     for (j=buffer+INPUT_BUFFER_LEN-1 : j>=buffer+k+l : j-- ) j->0 = j->( -l);
     for (i=0 : i<l : i++) buffer->(k+i) = buffer2->(WORDSIZE+i);
     buffer->(k+l-1) = ' ';
     buffer-->0 = buffer-->0 + l;
     if (buffer-->0 > (INPUT_BUFFER_LEN-WORDSIZE)) buffer-->0 = (INPUT_BUFFER_LEN-WORDSIZE);
     #Endif; ! TARGET_

     ! Having reconstructed the input, we warn the parser accordingly
     ! and get out.


   num_words = WordCount(); players_command = 100 + num_words;
     wn = 1;
     #Ifdef LanguageToInformese;
     ! Re-tokenise:
     #Endif; ! LanguageToInformese
   num_words = WordCount(); players_command = 100 + num_words;
     actors_location = ScopeCeiling(player);

     return REPARSE_CODE;

     ! Now we come to the question asked when the input has run out
     ! and can't easily be guessed (eg, the player typed "take" and there
     ! were plenty of things which might have been meant).


     if (context == CREATURE_TOKEN) PARSER_CLARIF_INTERNAL_RM('D', actor);
     else PARSER_CLARIF_INTERNAL_RM('E', actor);

     #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
     for (i=2 : i<INPUT_BUFFER_LEN : i++) buffer2->i=' ';
     #Endif; ! TARGET_ZCODE
     answer_words = Keyboard(buffer2, parse2);

   ! Look for a comma, and interpret this as a fresh conversation command
   ! if so:

   for (i=1 : i<=answer_words : i++)
     if (WordFrom(i, parse2) == comma_word) {
       VM_CopyBuffer(buffer, buffer2);
       return REPARSE_CODE;

     #Ifdef LanguageIsVerb;
     if (first_word==0) {
         j = wn; first_word=LanguageIsVerb(buffer2, parse2, 1); wn = j;
     #Endif; ! LanguageIsVerb

     ! Once again, if the reply looks like a command, give it to the
     ! parser to get on with and forget about the question...

     if (first_word ~= 0) {
         j = first_word->#dict_par1;
         if ((0 ~= j&1) && ~~LanguageVerbMayBeName(first_word)) {
             VM_CopyBuffer(buffer, buffer2);
             return REPARSE_CODE;

     ! ...but if we have a genuine answer, then:
     ! (1) we must glue in text suitable for anything that's been inferred.

     if (inferfrom ~= 0) {
         for (j=inferfrom : j<pcount : j++) {
             if (pattern-->j == PATTERN_NULL) continue;
             #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
             i = 2+buffer->1; (buffer->1)++; buffer->(i++) = ' ';
             #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
             i = WORDSIZE + buffer-->0;
             (buffer-->0)++; buffer->(i++) = ' ';
             #Endif; ! TARGET_

             #Ifdef DEBUG;
             if (parser_trace >= 5)
               print "[Gluing in inference with pattern code ", pattern-->j, "]^";
             #Endif; ! DEBUG

             ! Conveniently, parse2-->1 is the first word in both ZCODE and GLULX.

             parse2-->1 = 0;

             ! An inferred object. Best we can do is glue in a pronoun.
             ! (This is imperfect, but it's very seldom needed anyway.)

             if (pattern-->j >= 2 && pattern-->j < REPARSE_CODE) {
                 for (k=1 : k<=LanguagePronouns-->0 : k=k+3)
                     if (pattern-->j == LanguagePronouns-->(k+2)) {
                         parse2-->1 = LanguagePronouns-->k;
                         #Ifdef DEBUG;
                         if (parser_trace >= 5)
                           print "[Using pronoun '", (address) parse2-->1, "']^";
                         #Endif; ! DEBUG
             else {
                 ! An inferred preposition.
                 parse2-->1 = VM_NumberToDictionaryAddress(pattern-->j - REPARSE_CODE);
                 #Ifdef DEBUG;
                 if (parser_trace >= 5)
                   print "[Using preposition '", (address) parse2-->1, "']^";
                 #Endif; ! DEBUG

             ! parse2-->1 now holds the dictionary address of the word to glue in.

             if (parse2-->1 ~= 0) {
                 k = buffer + i;
                 #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
                 @output_stream 3 k;
                  print (address) parse2-->1;
                 @output_stream -3;
                 k = k-->0;
                 for (l=i : l<i+k : l++) buffer->l = buffer->(l+2);
                 i = i + k; buffer->1 = i-2;
                 #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
                 k = Glulx_PrintAnyToArray(buffer+i, INPUT_BUFFER_LEN-i, parse2-->1);
                 i = i + k; buffer-->0 = i - WORDSIZE;
                 #Endif; ! TARGET_

     ! (2) we must glue the newly-typed text onto the end.

     #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
     i = 2+buffer->1; (buffer->1)++; buffer->(i++) = ' ';
     for (j=0 : j<buffer2->1 : i++,j++) {
         buffer->i = buffer2->(j+2);
         if (buffer->1 == INPUT_BUFFER_LEN) break;
     #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
     i = WORDSIZE + buffer-->0;
     (buffer-->0)++; buffer->(i++) = ' ';
     for (j=0 : j<buffer2-->0 : i++,j++) {
         buffer->i = buffer2->(j+WORDSIZE);
         if (buffer-->0 == INPUT_BUFFER_LEN) break;
     #Endif; ! TARGET_

     ! (3) we fill up the buffer with spaces, which is unnecessary, but may
     ! help incorrectly-written interpreters to cope.

     #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
     for (: i<INPUT_BUFFER_LEN : i++) buffer->i = ' ';
     #Endif; ! TARGET_ZCODE

     return REPARSE_CODE;

]; ! end of NounDomain

-) instead of "Noun Domain" in "Parser.i6t".

Subcommands ends here.